Creating a User

Logicblock makes it easy to add and update the users in your store. To access the user page, in the Main Navigation menu, go to People > Users.

To create a new user, go to the top right of the user page, and click the blue icon that says "Add New User" 

The only fields you need to fill out to create a new user are: email, username and password. 

This will take you to a new page where you are given the option to fill out the following fields: 

  • Personal Information - contact information about the user  
  • Account Information - Information about the company associated with the user
  • Security - Password and authentication information
  • Open POs - Information about the customer's Open Purchase Orders goes here
  • Groups - This is where you can set which user groups the user is a part of  
  • Blog Author Information -  If the user has permission to write blogs, this is where information such as their biography, avatar, and social media links can be stored and edited. 

Supporting Documentation

For a more detailed description of the functionality of the features found in this section of the admin as well as the definitions for the terminology used, please visit the following link(s):