Etilize Search

Etilize search is a third-party search integration from SPR we support for use on your Logicblock site.


Search rank weight is not used for search ordering on Etilize.

Global Rank is currently only used on custom products to affect search rankings. This changes the order in which they show up in search results, but also causes all custom products to appear before managed products in relevant searches.

10 primary keywords are supported for search items in Etilize. Earlier keywords have more of an effect than later keywords. Keywords 1 - 9 are distinct keywords, any keywords past this are all grouped together in keyword 10.

Whether or not a product belongs to the most relevant category also factors in determining the order of the search results.

The Etilize search determines the most relevant category depending on the categories of the top 5 products returned in the search results.

Our Etilize integration will currently only look at SPR managed categories for search purposes. So custom categories can be assigned but will have no effect on search ranking.


  1. Etilize has two options for applying a custom search sorting, the first one, where it takes the most relevant products to the search, and then applies your custom sort order (determined by your global rank like we mentioned before), and then finally applies a default SPR-determined sort order.
  2. The second option takes all products that are even vaguely related to the search, and then sorts it literally by your custom sort order (the global rank).

Etilize updates daily, so changes to search items may not be reflected immediately on your Logicblock site.