How to edit the 2013 One Page Checkout
The following shows how to edit the 2013 checkout page. From the checkout settings page, you can update the text shown on the checkout page on your storefront.
In this article, we will cover everything that can be edited on the Logic block One Page Checkout including:
To edit the settings of this page in the admin, go to: Config > Order Settings > Order Settings and "Edit" the Default Checkout.

Guest Checkout
Prompt for login before checkout Guest Checkout - When enabled, this option will require a user to create an account before they can make any purchases on your site.

The text in the Guest Checkout box is the message that will be displayed when a guest enters the checkout screen and can be edited.
Email Address Instructions

This is where you can edit the prompt that appears when a customer needs to enter an email address in order to complete an order.

- Mailing List Signup - Signs the customers up for the mailing list(s) on your site
- Do Not Add Budget Account To Order Instructions - For budget accounts, when enabled, this option excludes them.
- Select a Mailing List - Lets customers select the mailing list they want to sign up for.
- Force Opt OUT instead of IN (checked by default) - When enabled, automatically opts users out.
- Shipping Address Instructions - Instructions for how you want your customers to handle the shipping.

Shipping Method Instructions

Billing Address Instructions

Credit Card Payment Method Instructions - Any special instructions that pertain to the credit cards that you accept on your site.

Loyalty Points Instructions - Any message that you want displayed in relation to using loyalty points on your site.
Account Verification

Require Account Creation - When enabled, this option will require your customers to create an account prior to checking out.
Automatically Use Verified Address -When enabled, the customer will receive a verification email to allow them to check out.
Address Verification Service - We have integrated with several third parties that allow for email verification including, but not limited to: Avalara, TaxCloud, TaxJar, and UPS
Password/Create Account Instructions - What will be displayed when a customer is prompted to log in upon check-out.

- Review Order Instructions - Any message that you want displayed in relation to reviewing orders before submitting.
Additional Options

Show Amount Due After Loyalty Points and Gift Certificates - Toggles whether or not the remaining total will be displayed after the discounts are applied
Show Available Gift Certificates - When checked, the customer will see any available gift certificates
Show "Allow Item Substitution" Option - If an item is out of stock, the customer will have the option to replace it with a similar item

Knowing how people found your store can be helpful for optimizing your marketing approach. This menu allows you to manage what options the customer has when filling out this form.