How to create a Dynamic Category
Dynamic categories allow you to select criteria for the products that you’d like to appear in that category. You can create a new dynamic category by going to: Store Catalog > Categories and then selecting the "Dynamic Category" option.

Creating a dynamic category in the admin is a very straight forward process:
- Select Dynamic Category
- Select where you want to want to create your Dynamic category
- Click on New Category
This documentation will show you how to add products to your new dynamic category:
- Name - Name your category.
- Description - Put a description of your category, which will show on the category page.
- Short Description - Enter a short description of your category that will display on your page.
- Product Criteria - Select what products you want to be in this dynamic category
- Default Sort Order - Choose how your products are sorted.
- Sort Order Override - Override the sort order.
- Display Template - Change how the products in your category are displayed.
- Icon - The icon for your category which will show on your category page.
- Banner - Choose a banner that will show up on your category page.
- HTML - Provide HTML coding to enhance your category page.
- Show Title - Show the title of the category on the category page.
- Hide Category - Hide the category from your category menu.
- SEO & Meta Data - Enter information to enhance your SEO and findability.