Navigating The My Account Section
This article provides an overview of the "My Account" area on the Storefront. See below for details.
What we'll cover in this Article
Once a user has logged in to their account, the "My Account" menu option will be located at the top right hand side of the screen.
- Shopping - Contains the Order history, Shopping Carts, Wish List, Favorites and Product Lists.
- Account Settings - Here the user can view and edit account settings.
- Account Info - Displays user's Name and Email Address.
- Manage Addresses - Add or Edit addresses for the user.
- Recent Orders - Displays recently placed orders.
Order History
This section displays past orders that have been placed by the user. If the user has sub-users, their orders will also be included here.
- Edit - Click icon to edit order.
- Date - Displays the date order was placed.
- Order # - Displays the order number.
- Total - Displays the total amount associated with an order.
- User - Displays which user/sub-user placed the order.
- Status - Shows order status. Here, the user will also have the option to approve or deny an order placed by their sub-users.
- Payment Status - Show the payment status of the order.
- Copy to cart - Allows user to copy current order to shopping cart (duplicate the order).
- Filter - The drop down menu allows the user to filter what orders are to be displayed.
Shopping Carts
This section contains any open shopping carts that are listed under the user.
- Cart Name - Name of shopping cart (user has the option of naming the cart on the checkout page).
- Cart ID - This is the ID associated with the shopping cart.
- Last Updated - Displays when the shopping cart was last updated. Note that shopping carts, even if they are named are deleted from the system if they have not been updated recently.
- Delete - Click on the "X" to delete cart.
- Load Cart - Click on "Load Cart" to load shopping cart and/or proceed to checkout or continue shopping.
- Create New Shopping Cart - Click to create new shopping cart.
Wish List
These are comprised of items that the user has reserved for future purchase. Once these items are added to the cart, they are removed from the Wishlist.
- Add Product - This option allows users to to add products to their wish list.
- Move - Allows user to move products to other lists e.g favorites.
- Description - Displays the sku and product name.
- Add to Cart - After making the selections from the list, this option will add the items to your shopping cart.
- Remove Items - Click to remove selected items from the wish list.
- Delete all Items - Deletes all items from the wish list.
A compilation of items that the user has either purchased or added.
- Add Product - This option allows users to to add products to their favorites.
- Move - Allows user to move products to other lists e.g product list.
- Description - Displays the sku and product name.
- Add to Cart - After making the selections from the list, this option will add the items to your shopping cart.
- Delete selected items After Adding to cart - This option deletes the product on the wish list after it is added to the cart.
- Remove Items - Click to remove selected items from favorites.
- Delete all Items - Deletes all items from the favorites.
Product Lists
A listing of products that is used to control what products are relevant or available for sale to certain users.
- Add New Product List - This option allow users to create product lists.
- Search - This option allows users search products within a product list.
- Browse in Store - This allows users to search for products in the store catalog.
- Edit List - This option allows users to edit product lists.
- Add Product - This option allows users to to add products to their product list.
- Move - Allows user to move products to other lists e.g favorites.
- Description - Displays the sku and product name.
- Add to Cart - After making the selections from the list, this option will add the items to your shopping cart.
- Delete Selected Items After Adding to cart - This option deletes the product on the product list after it is added to the cart.
- Notes - This where users write product notes.
- Update Notes - This options allows user to update product notes (10).
- Remove Items - Click to remove selected items from the product list.
- Delete all Items - Deletes all items from the product list.

Address Book
- Billing Address - User billing address.
- Shipping Address - User shipping address.
- New - Create a new address.
- Edit - Click to edit address.
- Bill to - Click to make address default billing address
- .Ship to - Click to make address default shipping address.
- Delete - Click to delete address.
Mailing Lists
This is where the user can sign up to receive notifications via email
- Shows mailing lists available to the user.
- Here the user can subscribe or unsubscribe to one or more mailing lists.

Change Password
Allows user to change password.

- Manager Permissions are permissions associated with the manager.
- Purchaser Permissions are permissions associated with the purchaser.

Manage Users
This is where the user can manage and add/edit the different users/sub-users currently stored in the website database.
- Name - Displays name of users.
- Permissions - Displays the permissions associated with users/sub-users.
- Budget - Displays budget allocations for users.
- Delete - Click to delete user.
- Receive Subordinate Notifications - If checked user will receive subordinate notifications