Marking a product on sale
This will show you how to mark the products that are on sale with an icon. This will help your customers know that the particular item is on sale and or discounted.
First you'll learn how to mark a product as "On Sale" manually, and then how to do it in mass using the product importer.
To start, we'll create a new content area.
In the admin panel, go to Content and Files > Content Areas.
In the "New Content Area" field, create a new content area. Call it something you'll easily recognize like "Sale Banner".

In your new content area, add a content block that you'd like to use to deliver your message. In this example, we already have an icon to use, so we're using a Image Rotator. If you don't have a graphic to use, you can also use a HTML Rotator and use text to flag your products.
Now that you've created a content area to use, go visit a product that you will be putting on sale.
Select "Edit this Product" at the top of the page.

Once, on the "Edit Product" page, click the "Images & Display" tab.

In the "Pre-Content Column" drop down, select the Content Area you just created.
Select "Save and Continue" in the top right. Once the page has reloaded, select "View In Store"
You should now see the logo/icon/text you created in your product page.
If you need to do this to hundreds of items, you need to apply this content area to the "Pre-Content Column" via a spreadsheet.
Next, go back to the admin and go to Store Catalog > Import/Export Tools > Product Exporter

You'll need to export the SKU and Pre Content Column Name as shown above.

In the precontentcolumnname column, key in the name of the content area you've created. Note: key it in the exact way it's keyed in your site.

Use the Product Importer to import your new spreadsheet. If you need help with how to import a spreadsheet, see here.
Once you've uploaded the spreadsheet, you will have successfully marked your products as "On Sale".