Import Tracking Numbers
The Import Tracking Numbers tool allows the store administrator to bulk update orders to designate them as shipped and input a tracking number.

To do this, a file needs to be uploaded and imported on the administration panel. The file format should be either a A comma-separated values (CSV) file or an Excel file (File extensions allowed:*.xlsx, *.xls, *.csv).
The file format is as follows.
- OrderNumber
- TrackingNumber
- ShippingMethod - (Optional, detailed below)
- SKU - (SKU is optional. If SKU is not included, the whole order is marked shipped)
- QuantityShipped - (Optional. If not included, the whole line item is marked shipped)
- OrderShippingCost - (OrderShippingCost is optional. If OrderShippingCost is not included, no shipping cost will be added)
- AggregateOrderShippingCost - (AggregateOrderShippingCost is optional. If marked as TRUE, imported shipping costs are added to the existing shipping costs and does not replace them)
- ShippedDate - (ShippedDate is optional. If ShippedDate is not included, the date of export will be marked as the shipping date)
The ShippingMethod Column is optional. If populated, it will overwrite the preselected shipping method. This means that if originally the shipping method was UPS Ground (done at checkout), the method used in the import file will overwrite the method selected.
In order to overwrite the shipping method, use (UPS, USPS or FEDEX) followed by a dash (-) followed by the number id for the carrier in question. Below is the list of our shipping method id’s per carrier.
For example, a ShippingMethod "UPS-3" is UPS Ground, "USPS-7" is USPS Priority Mail.
A useful tip for Excel: To designate a string instead of a number just put in an apostrophe before the number in excel. For example: ‘12345 instead of just 12345.

Example Tracking Number Sheet

Shipping Method IDs