This section provides fundamental information about your site.
What we'll cover in this Article
General Site Settings
- Store Is Closed - To open/close your store click on the checkbox.
- Store Name - This would be the name of your store.
- Store Email Address - The email address that is tied to your store.
- Website Logo - This is the logo that appears on the storefront.
- Email/Print Logo - This is the logo that appears on the emails that you send out.

- Business Address - Your company address.

- Store Home Country - The country you are located in. Also displays the currency used in your home country.
- Size Units - English/Metric system used for size measurements.
- Weight Units - English/Metric system used for weight measurements.
- Decimal Digits - Number of digits after decimal.
Store Email Addresses

This section is where you would come to set up where your store's correspondence.
1.) Main E-mails - This is where you want emails sent to the store delivered to.
2.) "From" Addresses for E-mail Templates - This is where emails that are sent out originate from.
Meta Tags
The Store META tags seen here are your default settings. This means, if no other title, keywords or descriptions are set on the individual page themselves, this is what will be displayed for that page. Each product, category and custom page can have their own defined META info. These changes are made on the individual pages themselves.
- Homepage Meta Title - Name of your store
- Storewide Default Meta Keywords - Keywords that describe what your site offers (Recommend 10-15)
- Storewide Default Meta Description - Brief description of who you are or what your website is about.
- Exclude Store Name in Meta Title - Removes the name of your store from the Meta Title.
- Manufacturer Page No Index - For search engines. It adds the robot's meta tag.
- Additional META TAGS - Any additional elements that could be used to specify page description/keywords
Blogging Configuration

- Enable Blogs - This is where you would go to enable blogs on your site.
- Enable URL Rewriting - Provides shorter and more relevant-looking links to blog pages.
- Blog Prefix - This is the url to the blog on your site.
- Blog Entries Per Page - Number of blog entries that can be on a page.
- Blog Columns Per Page - Number of columns per page.
- Allow Comments - When enabled, allows for users to comment on the blog.
- Comments Per Page - The number of comments to be displayed on each page of the blog.
- Captchas On Comments - Enables a challenge-response test to determine whether or not the user is human.
- Root Blog Meta Title- Title of your blog that will be displayed in the search engine.
- Root Blog Meta Description- Description of your blog. Keep this info concise and compelling.
- Root Blog Meta Keywords- Enter keywords that can be used by search engines to index your blog.