Vendors and Manufacturers are users or companies assigned to products. When the assigned products are ordered, the Vendor/Manufacturer will receive a drop shipper notice. This notice will contain the order information so the Vendor/Manufacturer can process the order.

This screen allows you to view the vendors that are currently stored on your website. Existing users on the store can also be assigned to a Vendor/Manufacturer. These users will also receive a notification if an associated product is purchased. Products are associated with Vendor/Manufacturer when creating a new product or editing an existing products. Each product has a Vendor/Manufacturer drop down list.
- From the listing page, presented above, click the "Add New Vendor" button to create a new Vendor.
- Click to delete vendor
- Click to edit vendor
Add/Edit Vendor
When adding a new Vendor, the Name input is the only required field, but we recommend filling out as much information as you can.
The "Drop Ship E-mail Template" field allows you to specify what drop shipper notice you’d like the Vendor/Manufacturer to receive. New notices can be created under Configuration > Templates > Email Templates. Each Vendor/Manufacturer could potentially have a unique notice.
Supporting Documentation
For a more detailed description of the functionality of the features found in this section of the admin as well as the definitions for the terminology used, please visit the following link(s)