Products - Introduction
When you click on the Products tab under the Store Catalog menu, the products listing page will be displayed. This screen allows you to view the products that are currently stored on your website.
What we'll cover in this Article
Products Listing
On the main products page, you can see the following main elements. Clone and Delete are located on the individual product edit pages.
- Add New Product - Add a new product.
- Filter - Ability to search and filter the products to display.
- Status - No label indicates a product is active; Disabled label indicates a product is inactive.
- Edit a product.
- SKU (stock keeping unit) refers to a product's unique identifier.
- Clone an existing product (more on this below).
- Delete a product.
Searching and Filtering Products
- You can search for products using a keyword, by typing in your keyword into the "Filter" box
- Clicking the "Arrow" button to view additional filter option,
- Click the "Apply Filter" arrow button to apply filters.
- Once the filter is expanded, you can search for specific product types, categories, manufacturers, vendors, status, inventory status and price range.
- Execute this filter and display those products.
Product Cloning
If you are creating products that closely resemble other products, such as products that only differ by colors, sizes, etc., take advantage of the clone feature to copy an existing product as a template for a new product.
Simply click the "Clone" icon corresponding to the product in which you'd like to clone.
The next screen provides options for the product being cloned. Once you’ve configured your options, click the "clone product" button to create your new product.
- Product Name -The name of the product.
- Sku - The sku (cannot be the same).
- Clone Product Choices - Clones the choices
- Clone Product Images - Clones the images
- Clone Category Placement - Clones the category
- Create As Inactive - Makes the product inactive