In Internet marketing, an affiliate is a person or company which sends visitors to a website in exchange for commissions.
The 7cart ecommerce solution allows for a simple tracking method for your affiliates. Your affiliate will visit your website by going to a specified URL ( The Affiliate Referral ID, is dynamically generated from the information you provide for an affiliate.
First Glance
- To create a new Affiliate, click the "New" button on the affiliate list page.
- Click to delete affiliate
- Click to edit affiliate
Add/Edit and Affiliate
The Edit Affiliate page contains the following inputs:
- Name - This is the internal name for the affiliate.
- Email - Affiliate's email address.
- Referral ID - This generates the id the affiliate will use to point their visitors to your storefront.
- Sample URL - This is the link your Affiliate will use to refer their visitors. Note, this is generated after the initial save. If you update the Referral ID, this link will change.
- Commission - This is for internal calculation. Our system does not handle paying your affiliates in any way.
- Referral Days - The number of days the referred visitor will stay linked to the affiliate. Our system places a harmless cookie on the visitors computer, so when they visit the site again (within the time-range specified here) they are still tied to the affiliate.
- Tax ID - Internal record for your use.
- Web Site URL - Internal record for your use.
- Landing Page - This is the page users are brought to when they use your referral link. For example: if you enter /myaccount/ here, users who use the referral link will be taken to their account page upon login.
- Price Rule - Select a price rule to apply to the affiliate.
- Image Logo URL - This inserts the logo of the affiliate.
- Driver's License - Internal record for your use.
- Use Affiliate Branding - Allows the affiliate site to have a different look (logo, site colors).
- Notes - Internal record for your use.
Affiliate Settings are configured on the page under Configuration > User and Form Settings > Affiliate Settings.