Product Menu - Additional Features

The product menu is located on the right hand side of the of the "Edit Product" screen. It includes additional options that can be used to modify a product.

Additional Images

Additional Images

This feature is useful should you want to include additional images for your product.

Simply click the "Add New Image" tab to upload the image(s) that you would like to include.



Product Reviews

Product Reviews

This options gives you the ability to add and edit product reviews. To edit the products go: Config > Catalog Settings > Product Reviews

Up Sells/Cross Sells

Up Sells and Cross Sells offer the ability to market other products in your store to a customer while they're viewing a product or attempting to add a product to their cart.

Note: If you have a managed catalog, you may not be able to change or add to either the Up Sell/Cross Sells.

Cross Sells

Cross Sells

These are normally "recommended" products or products that a customer may want to add to their cart in addition to the product they’re purchasing. These products will not replace the product being added to the cart.

Depending on settings, the Cross Sells will either be displayed in an intermediary screen between the product and cart page or on the cart page itself. You can configure how the Cross Sells are displayed to the customer under the Configuration > Order Settings menu.

Up Sells

Up Sells

These are products that are an "upgrade" from the current product. If a customer chooses an Up Sell product, the chosen product will replace the original product the customer was adding to the cart.

Depending on settings, the Up Sells will either be displayed in an intermediary screen between the product and cart page or on the cart page itself. You can configure how the Up Sells are displayed to the customer under the Configuration > Order Settings menu.

Other Features

In addition to Up-Sells and Cross-Sells, the following settings can be utilized to tailor the customer experience and promote specific products.

These settings are all admin controlled to give you maximum control over the products that are presented to your users.

  • Also Bought - allows you to select products that are frequently bought in conjunction with the product being edited.
  • Accessory - items that can be used with a product but are not essential to the function of said product.
  • Similar Item -  allows you to suggest items to your customer that are comparable to the item they are viewing.
  • Companion Item - unlike accessories, which are technically not essential to the main product, companion items are intended to be used in conjunction with the item being viewed.
  • Family - adding items to a product's family groups together related products that share a common theme or purpose.
  • Supplies - unlike accessories or companion items, supplies are something that the product uses and eventually needs to have replaced, i.e. filler paper for a copy machine. 



This feature allows you to edit the inventory options for your product. There are four available actions that can come into play on your storefront when an item is out of stock:

  • Show as out of stock (Do not allow orders)
  • Remove from store
  • Leave on store (Ignore inventory)
  • Show as out of stock (Allow orders)
  1. SKU - Displays the SKU for the product.
  2. Enabled - Enables or disables inventory tracking.
  3. Available - Displays the amount of available stock minus the amount in the reserved column.
  4. Out of Stock Point - Set the point when this product will be deemed out of stock.
  5. Reorder Point - Set the point when this product should notify you of low inventory.
  6. For Sale - Displays the amount of items available for sale on the store. This amount is the result of the available stock minus the buffer amount.
  7. The last part of this section allows you to add, subtract or set the inventory level for the product.